Saturday, July 15, 2006

The patio, all done (for now) and ready for people.

Our first patio party...

Jerry gets set to light the ceremonial first fire in the fire pit.

Mike enjoys the first fire...

The other Cousin Mike feeling the warmth...

Thursday, July 13, 2006


And after...We still have a lot of work to do leveling individual pieces and putting the sand in the cracks. But, All the pieces are in place.

Screeding the last section. We had to build this section up many inches. So, there goes most of the remaining sand.

working in the last section after it's all been filled in with sand.

The last piece...

Is put in place...

Bird's eye view

Perfectly screed the night before

With evidence of cat activity the very next morning...darn cats!

Mike about to make a cut in the garage...

With the ensuing dust!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Figuring out how to screed over the firepit is a bit of a challenge.

So, we take a shot at it.
Were pretty sure it will work... :) Only one small section left to we have enough sand?
It's hard to tell...the pile is getting smaller and smaller.
First day...looking at the supplies and the blank slate of the patio area.

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First Day, first two stones. We eventually had to move these when we realized we needed to start at a different location.

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Making progress...and getting dirty.

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Pile is getting smaller...very slowly.

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A little friendly domestic "violence" with our trusted canine watching. See what a house project can do to a marriage?

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Second day...getting farther along. Jenny working on the fire pit. Fun is being had by all.

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